End Debt for Veterans Who Have Served Our Country

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Indian Voices Newspaper
May 27, 2024
End Veteran Debt is a501(c)(3) Non-profit Private Foundation Now Accepting Tax-Deductible Donations
Our Mission: To Remove the Burden of Debt For Veteran Who Have Served Our Country.

Jerry Ashton’s foundation End Veteran Debt seeks to protect Veterans from debt and all its associated ills. And to this end, we are not alone! With your support, we will continue to bolster existing charities and non-profits geared towards Veterans.

The members of our think tank Veteran Mission Possible are testament to the impressive network we have put together. By working together, we can make a difference in the way our Veterans are treated.

Donate here:         https://endveterandebt.org/donate

Image: Vietnam-era Veteran and Wife at Powwow, by Tony Alter, Newport News, Virginia, 2014, Wikimedia Commons