Dean Edwards is president, international-coordinating editor, and North America coordinating-editor for Democracy Watch News. We area a tax-exempt 501c3, global, nonprofit news service. Dean Edwards has begun working with editor Rose Davis of Indian Voices to explore ways our two organizations can collaborate on projects and news coverage of mutual benefit for our non-profit news-services.
Projects under discussion include inviting up to three members of Indian Voices to join our new training program for audio podcasting and Internet broadcasting, sharing leads for news of interest to each other, building understandings about best-media practices, and to promote cross-cultural understanding. Cooperation will include sharing lessons learned and building our organizations in administration services, media services editorial and opinions, and news coverage and production.
Dean and his wife Lynn were trained two decades ago over a two-week period about how journalists should cover Native American pow wows. Dean says, “Our trainers included, Sonja Holy Eagle and Dave Hansen of the Dakota Drum Company, The De Anza Pow Wow Committee, the Native American Studies Department of De Anza College, the manager of Rising Arrow bookstore and cultural center in Sunnyvale, California, and an interview with the late actor Floyd “Red Crow” Westerman. Dean has recommended Indian Voices, their staff, and correspondents develop a series of articles advising journalists about the art and practice of cross-cultural coverage of Native events for journalists and writers.
Yours in service, Dean Edwards, Michael Dean Edwards
Democracy Watch News
Website: https://www.democracywwatchnews/