Antonio Garra Day

Veronica Wood
February 28, 2022



A celebration of the life of Antonio Garra


March 19. 2022


11am  to 4:00pm


At the First San Diego Courthouse Museum

Old Town San Diego State Historic Park

(Southwest corner of the Plaza)

Antonio Garra was a Native American Patriot who fought for southern California and Northern Baja Tribal rights and Sovereignty. He was executed on January 10, 1852 illegally by the citizens of California during a mass hysteria at the beginning of statehood. When Garra was asked to state any last words, he replied, “Gentlemen, I ask your pardon for all my offenses, and expect yours in return.”

One witness recounted, “No man could have met his fate in a more brave and dignified manner than did Antonio Garra. I could not but feel a sort of sympathy for him, notwithstanding his crime.”


ST. ANTHONY INDIAN SCHOOL in Old Town San Diego 1886-1907:  Father Ubach, submitted a proposal to the U.S. government Commissioner of Indian Affairs in February, 1885, offering the services of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondele in teaching at St. Anthony’s Indian School.  Fifty children attended the first school on the corner of Twiggs Street and San Diego Avenue in Old Town.  Opened in the fall of 1886.  The students were moved to the Mission in 1891., Our goal is to have a “Class Reunion” of descendants from the last group that went to school in Old Town:

Atache- Ralph, Frances, Avila Genovera, Bosseca James, Caballero Joseph S, Castillo Maximilian, Catino Salvador, Castro Felicitas, Comides Michael, Comides Francis, Davis - Agnes, Rosendo, Diaz Wenceslena, Elvara Mary Magdalena, Elvara Josephine,  Elvara Julia, Estrada Peter, Furik Peter, Garcia- Mary Grace, Peter,  Ignatis,  Mary Nincent, Higuera joe Anthony, Juarez Remigius, Largue - Carman,  Innocenea,  Johnny, Lopez- Emilio, Mercedes, Mary Jane, Massal- Serafina, Mary, Magee Johnny, Magee George, Miseles Raphaela, Molido- Clement, Placida, Joseph Maria, Morales Esperanza (Hope), Orosco- Mary Agustina, Nibiana, Perez Alexander, Pico Marcelina, Qusiquis- Gregory, John, Raymunda, Scholastica, Ramirez Nicasio, Rivera Julius, Ricardo Magdalena, Marcus, Josephina, Rios Eliza,  Frances, Reyna Policayo, Rodriquez Francis, Gertruda, Robles Gregory, Andrew, Rosas Simon, Ruiss Pa Celedonia, Pa Benita, Scott Alfred, Subisaro Alexexander, Tujillo Anthony, Cenobia, Urbino- Mary Magdalena, Josephina, Netigarda, Valles Carman, Villa May Antoniniette, Manuel, Francis.

532nd ANNUAL ALTA & BAJA GRUNION FESTIVAL:  Is a revival of a traditional Native American gathering of local tribes to celebrate the coming of the grunion fish.  HASHUUPILL, (Kumeyaay/Diegueno word for grunion or ‘fish-out-of-water’) swims ashore to lay its eggs at high tide after a new or full moon.  The word “grunion” comes from the Spanish word meaning ‘grumpy or agitated’ and is perhaps what the Spanish pioneers observed as the native people introduced the ’fish-out-ot-water.’

This event is the celebration of Garra’s life and others who fought to secure the future of the California Indians during the post-Father Serra era. Come join us for the testimonies given for the celebration of life—and ask for your own offenses to be forgiven, although there are no guarantees for pardons!

For more information, please call or email our event organizers:

Abel Silvas: (858) 761-4369

Eric Ortega: (760) 522-0615