Grab a Rock and Go With the Flow

April Nurse
May 21, 2023

Inclusion is being talked about everywhere these days, and the rock world is no different. Inclusions are the naturally occurring mineral elements that interrupt an otherwise uniform structure. Inclusions are the emerald-green manganese in moss agate that create its trademark moss or the iconic black or golden needles of titanium dioxide in rutilated quartz. Inclusions bring a unique beauty to the world. Where once uniformity reigned as the mark of quality, inclusions are paving a new path forward and quickly becoming the norm. 

Inclusions occur in rock as the environment shifts in pressure and temperature. Change introduces new minerals and conditions resulting in a completely unique find. It’s not unlike the communities we’ve come to know. Our chosen communities often come from very different circumstances than us. Yet, somehow, we find our way to each other, creating memories and building bonds that change our worlds.

Inclusions can often make minerals stronger. Often, inclusions in soft minerals give stability and add much-needed reinforcement. They can add unexpected flashes of color and contrast as well. They are not unlike the wonderful things that make us unique and memorable. It’s no wonder we gravitate toward them. My generation was taught to cover up and hide anything that made us different. They used to tell us that it was ideal to be just like everybody else. Thankfully, there comes a day that one wakes up, finds a mirror, and looks hard for those elements that make us as unique as our fingerprints. 

When I joined my first rock club, the leadership was changing. The tried and true losing to the what if. What if, instead of struggling and serving, we took a risk and tried thriving? What if we tried something different? What if we took a chance on something more aligned with our goals? What if we stepped outside our comfort zone and reached for something better? 

In answering those questions we’ve found ourselves with a club more reflective of the community we live in. We’re all different ages, races, genders, and beliefs, unified through the love of minerals and metals. We’ve become more interactive, receptive to change, and we’ve found new layers of support in our community. 

Everybody is navigating this world blind. There are no absolutes other than a defined beginning and a sure end. You get to decide how you shape the in-between. Do you live aligned with love or with fear? 

When the earth shifts and introduces you to the unfamiliar, I hope you have the courage to look for silver linings and see the beauty in it. In the most literal sense, inclusions are a reminder that perfection is boring and unrealistic. Yes, there’s comfort in safety, but it leaves no room for anything more. We deserve more. Wear your jewelry like you wear your freckles and scars. Celebrate each other’s differences and celebrate each other.